Sunday, July 10, 2011


My dear friend Gayatri motivated me to lay my food thoughts down on the table, and to share the goodies of life with you.
So… here it is– the beginning of my food blog.
As I cook, experience flavors and moments, I plan to write down my favorite recipes, cooking and eating moments along with any great finds, ingredients or kitchen devices.
But, before I begin, I want to thank.
I want to thank the ‘mothers’ of my life for inspiring me to cook. 
Denise, my American mom– thank you for teaching me the basics, for instilling a respect for cooking and for teaching me that life is too short to repeat a recipe (unless it is really that worth it!)
Dadimy paternal grandmother– for the after school treats, for buttering our toasts in the morning so perfectly that every bite had a good and even dose of butter on it and for that delicious spicy yogurt bread she made for us.
I miss you Dadi.
Nanimy maternal grandmother– for teaching me her famous onion soup, pohaand for feeding me endless good and healthy food, along with making sure she had a chocolate chip in every bite of ice cream she fed us. And for always bursting into a smile when asked to feed. 
Mommy mom– for baking. For a warm cake when we came home from school, for patiently icing Christmas cakes, for showing me how baking comes with patience and precise measurement. For introducing me to the wonderful world of Hainanese chicken rice and for eating chaat on the road with me and then allowing me to skip dinner.
And last… but definitely not the least, Mummymy mother-in-law– for being such an amazing cook, for never ever letting anyone in her life go hungry, knowing how to improvise in cooking situations, for reinventing foods three to four times over and never letting left overs be just left overs!

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